【MENU】2021 新年的年菜

【MENU】2021 新年的年菜


【译文】The evolution of cluster scheduler architectures 集群调度架构的进化史

【译文】The evolution of cluster scheduler architectures 集群调度架构的进化史


【译文】The Phony Patriots of Silicon Valley 硅谷的假爱国者们

【译文】The Phony Patriots of Silicon Valley 硅谷的假爱国者们


【译文】The Economics Of Cloud Computing Are, In A Word, Confusing 云计算的经济学,令人困惑

【译文】The Economics Of Cloud Computing Are, In A Word, Confusing 云计算的经济学,令人困惑


【译文】Your multicloud strategy is all wrong 你的多云策略大错特错

【译文】Your multicloud strategy is all wrong 你的多云策略大错特错


【译文】Will A.I., Blockchain, 5G, and Virtual Reality Give Companies a Competitive Edge? 人工智能,区块链,5G,虚拟现实会改变企业竞争格局么?

【译文】Will A.I., Blockchain, 5G, and Virtual Reality Give Companies a Competitive Edge? 人工智能,区块链,5G,虚拟现实会改变企业竞争格局么?

Business executives have no doubt been inundated with marketing materials and sales pitches proclaiming that these buzzy technologies will give them the edge over their competitors. But often times, big tech initiatives fail, leading to disappointed management teams disillusioned by vendor promises. 毫无疑问,企业高管们已经被广告材料和销售宣传所淹没,这些嗡嗡作响的新科技都宣称能够为企业带来竞争优势。然而这些新技术往往招来大规模的技术失败,导致失望的管理团队难以兑现投资者的承诺。 Executives gathered 

【kubernetes101】Note1. How to access the application in k8s cluster?

【kubernetes101】Note1. How to access the application in k8s cluster?

Prerequisite Create an independent namespace to avoid additional conflicits. The new namespace is defined in the file namespace-dev.yaml { “kind”: “Namespace”, “apiVersion”: “v1”, “metadata”: { “name”: “note1”, “labels”: { “name”: “note1” } } } Apply the yaml file in your kubernetes cluster $ kubectl apply 

Leetcode 159 Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters G家OA原题

Leetcode 159 Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters G家OA原题

Given a string s , find the length of the longest substring t that contains at most 2 distinct characters. Example 1: Input: “eceba” Output: 3 Explanation: t is “ece” which its length is 3. Example 2: Input: “ccaabbb” Output: 5 Explanation: t is “aabbb”